




ANSYS APDL Script Editor


CompuPADL is an ANSYS APDL integrated development environment, incorporating text editing and charting tools.


CompuPADL was developed in-house using C#. Our programming experience lies primariily in the development of finite element software in particuar and scientific software in general.

Features include:

Command documentation browser 
Command description popup 
Command argument prompt popup
Command auto-complete popup
Command APDL syntax highlighting
Command line editing tools
Line and block text editor
Fixed formatting of data files
Data visualisation and manipulation
ANSYS batch mode program calls
ANSYS help browser


CompuPADL is free to download here





Simulation V&V and Quality Management


CompuScience consultant Dr J M Smith, is the editor of NAFEMS ESQMS, an industry-standard ISO 9001 quality standard supplement for engineering simulation, and author of its companion book: ‘Engineering Simulation Quality Managemen Guidelines’.




NAFEMS ESQMS is a supplement to ISO 9001:2015 for engineering simulation. Whereas ISO 9001 specifies general quality management requirements, NAFEMS ESQMS interprets those quality requirements in the particular context of engineering simulation, covering both CSM and CFD applications.


ISO 9001 and NAFEMS ESQMS together specify the fundamental quality requirements that engineering simulation organizations need to meet if they wish to formally demonstrate that they are operating a simulation quality management system and have the ability to consistently generate technically valid results. 




The purpose of the ESQMS Guidelines is to assist in the development and implementation of an ISO 9001:2015 and NAFEMS ESQMS based quality management system for engineering simulation. It is intended that the text provides sufficient information to understand the basic concepts of quality management, and to enable a quality management system for engineering simulation to be planned and developed within a simulation project organization, using a simulation error- controlled approach.


Technical papers


